Surgery Based on Astrology

Discussing surgery dates can be daunting and we are not always in control of the choices. I have chosen the surgery times in the past best I could as I knew my surgery was happening. The knowledge that I use is 5 days before a new moon can be ideal, avoiding the surgery on your body that the moon sign is in which rules that part of the body. Avoid eclipses and full Moon where bleeding can be more so, and void Moon may have you repeating the surgery.

Retrograde planets especially Mars which rules the sign of the surgeon and Mercury diagnostic results. Preferably all planets direct not retrograde whereby possible. I have added below a quick summary of each sign health area to watch for those perhaps being operated on when the Moon is in that part of the body ruling best to avoid if possible and have choice.

Emergency surgeries and public hospital waiting lists can throw this out. But you trust in the timing of all possibilities when looking after your health mainstream and alternate.

  • Aries– Head, Brain, Face
  • Taurus– Throat, Neck, Lips
  • Gemini- Lungs, Hands, Arms
  • Cancer– Stomach, Breasts, Chest, Ribs,
  • Leo– Heart, Sack, Spine, forearms.
  • Virgo– Intestines, Lower spine, Fingers, spleen
  • Libra– Kidneys, skin, Lumbar region
  • Scorpio– Bladder, Anus, Nose, Appendix
  • Sagittarius– Hips, Thighs, Nerves, Arteries
  • Capricorn– Knees, Joints, teeth, skin
  • Aquarius– Legs, Ankles, Circulation of Blood
  • Pisces– Feet, Toes, Lymphatic system

If you would like to schedule your personal, private astrology consultation, please contact me.

Beginners workshop available 2023/24 enquire for upcoming details and if you are interested in an application to enrol, please also contact me.
